Registration is open for the Spring Breakaway Hockey League.

This coed traveling league runs mid-March through Mid-May and plays in Rogers, Monticello, Buffalo, Anoka and Princeton. It is open to mini mite players ages 4 and older through peewee levels.

For more information, please visit and click on hockey leagues, clinics and tournaments!

Register Online At:

Registration closes March 2, 2022!

  • A $60 late fee will be applied to all registrations received on/after March 2nd
  • A $110 late fee will be applied to all registrations received on/after March 10


  • Jerseys will be provided.
  • USA Hockey and MN Hockey rules apply.
  • Each team must provide one adult to either operate the score clock or penalty gates.
  • Players will not be allowed to play down a level.